Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

I know its a few days late but we've been busy busy.

Had a day at home today and I finally sorted through all of Charlie's old clothes. So far I have about 12 nappy boxes full. I sorted them in sizes so if any of my pregnant friends have girls they can have them depending on their babies size. I have from 00000 to 00. She is still in O's but wont be long into size 1.

I had a lovely Mothers Day. We went for a nice walk to the Market and got coffee and some veges and of course flowers for the mothers. Came home from there and Charlie had a sleep while Shayne cooked me a yummy late breaky. When Charlie woke up we went down to his Mum's and had coffee there with his Mum and Nanna and then we popped into his Aunty's on the way home. Came home for a quick change for Charlie and to grab my Mum's presents and Charlie's jammies and headed over to Mum's where we stayed for take away Chinese. Got home about 8.30pm Charlie fast asleep and stayed asleep all night, so glad I remembered to take her jammies.

Me and my girl Mother's Day 2008

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